Friday, April 17, 2009


Having to take care 4 grown up babies are such huge load. I think I am going to reach my breaking point very very soon. This small tender is sucking so much energy from me. I could not count the amount of time I need to explain and re-explain the same thing over and over again!!! How can one mistake a '+' for 'x', and 5 to become 15? What were you guys doing in your university? Playing truant only?

The last time I felt this stress was about 4 years ago, and now this is much worst!


Pn Hamidah said...

Relax Ju and face the challenges..easier said of course hehe..

fonsusz said...

haha...playing dating kali. aku empun dept. lagik lah short of staff, monday nya dtg just mauk mintak EL 4 five days...WTF five days. Ada agik, try apply cuti tanpa gaji without sebab musabab!

cyril dason said...


Blog Makeover by Jean Chia | Doggie Illustration by Dapino, Edited by Jean Chia