What can I say. I went home after the dinner, feeling like blaming God, why He never give me any luck when it comes to any lucky draw. Why I never win anything big. Why why oh why? Sigh............... No wonder I stayed away from Magnum and Sport Toto..
Okla you can see the picture now.
Food food and more food....
The customary Yee Sang.
More money! Bigger Project! Bigger Profit! More Bonus!
Shark fin soup. One of the best I've tested.
'Country Style' Steamed Live Red Mullet Fish. A bit smelly..
Tiger Prawn with King Soy Sauce
Lotus Leaf Steamed Rice. None of us touch this by the time it came. Burpp!
And some others I was too busy with the ongoing activities I didn't bother to take photos.
Remind me of Oscar Award where Titanic won the Best Picture in 1998. Did you watch it?
What Cheers? Yam Seng la!!!!

The much awaited photo :p. Photoshopped of course.
Another 2 glasses, and we could have seen somebody stripped naked! Dang! No such luck babe..
p/s: Everybody got something. I got RM150 Jusco voucher. Yeaaa I heard you.. thank God! happy?!
Did that guy forget to wear something or he played strip poker backstage :)
Alahai...i also never win any lucky draw bah. Always no luck. We are in the same boat. Hehe
Yee sang looks delicious...and that guy? Biar betul....hahaha
I used to win lucky draws and sponsored some of it as well haha..Nice dress you have there and that guy in the last picture, what was he thinking ? haha..just kidding.
hehe..you look stunning..and that guy 'buncit'.
Sorry for the duplicate. There's a luck you can always get anytime, anywhere ...
"Pot Luck"
Oh? That guy? He lost count of his drink. Too bad no we weren't able to see more :p
btw, he's a GM.
Willie : *alleycats=kita serupa!*
Kak Midah: Thanks. Thank God I didn't drink alcohol at all that night. Babai warned against my gastric. Otherwise, I might end up half naked too :p
nur enjel: thanks!
headsteadi : yea.. the lucky pot! more food. I'm so blessed.
Talk about Coyote Ugly! Hahah. Nice dwess.
OMG... tiger prawn...
ur GM?? OMG!!
That would go down in the history books for sure!!
If my bos did what ur GM did, the whole Malaysia would freak out!
One Other : Thank you. No bar, no dance haha!
cdason : Not ours. fyi, I was not so surprise as I thought I would be!
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