I never get stomach trouble with laksa sarawak..see the leg lah (tengok kaki) hehe..BBQ chicken wing ? kita boleh geng..yang kat Satok Road Kuching tu sedap.
hehe.. obviously you sik pernah kena gastric la tok :D
gastric can be caused by a lot of things.. used to abuse my stomach with spicy stuffs during my 'younger' days. once stomach lining sudah luka/scrap, mmg senang mok gastric mun sik jaga makan. ouch!
match face..1st time la dgr..best :)
I never get stomach trouble with laksa sarawak..see the leg lah (tengok kaki) hehe..BBQ chicken wing ? kita boleh geng..yang kat Satok Road Kuching tu sedap.
Match face? 1st time dengar juak. Haha. Bukan ya muka mancis ka? hihi
Oh tedah, ya lah makan sik ajak orang.
smua yg sedap2.... :D
haaa!! ketawa la korang puas-puas.. :(
i tot kurang mkn jak boleh gastrik. terlebih mkn pun boleh juak paduhal.
hehe.. obviously you sik pernah kena gastric la tok :D
gastric can be caused by a lot of things.. used to abuse my stomach with spicy stuffs during my 'younger' days. once stomach lining sudah luka/scrap, mmg senang mok gastric mun sik jaga makan. ouch!
*buzz* wrong answer. i have gastric once a while esp when i'm hungry. mun udah kenak, the whole day sakit.
hah? whole day jak? ur lucky man. I boleh kena sampei 1-2 minggu. Sebulan pun pernah. Gastrik tahap gaban mpun.
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