Oh come on.. it's already pre-mix and all the instruction are already there. No baking class and baking skill required, just reading ability and a baking oven hehe.
From this...
To this. Well, a bit off isn't it? Looks like I do need baking class afterall. Eh heh.
The butter cookies pre-mix only need additional butter, egg and chocolate chips..
Babe.. this is no Famous Amos, si comprende?
uinah, mesti sedap ni kan... nyum2... :) but chips dia ckit la..hihi...
Looks so sedap btw ;)
Something different from your traditional cooking..looks yummy.Memang pandai create and modify hehe..
looks yummy the 7th pic.... hungry eyh me... :D
Nadia : ndak cukup chip.. ada 3 batch, the first batch sudah pakai banyak choc chips.
headsteadi : it is :D
Kak Midah : It's my first time baking cookies, can you believe it? Thanks to premix kihkih!!
amiey alen : ironically, those are the burnt one.
Sumuk kedekut chips la. Some with only one! unfair to the other yummy cookies with 4 or 5 chips on the same tray! LOL. Always wanted to try the DIY pre-prepared cookie-making too.
gua silap budget la babe. hah! what ru waiting for? jagung aku dah nak berbuah, cookies dah masak.. anda bila lagi?
And the flour and cream did not cover your camera as you take the photos?
:D it won't if you mix manually instead of using mixer. Haven't got around to buy one.
btw, Babai would've choked me to death with my own cookies if the flour and cream dirtied his camera ;)
looks nice enough to me :P
i saw the burnt cookies... hehe ..it is ok dear..your efforts count!
cdason & nur enjel : thanks. i'll do better next time :D
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